

  • e - zoom time selection
  • cmd++/- - zoom horizontally
  • cmd+shift++/- - zoom vertically
  • cmd+scroll up/down - resize track height


  • cmd+p - clear all peaked meters (clipping that occurs when sound too loud)
  • opt+s - toggle snap to grid
  • go to start - w
  • to use box selection with mouse, hold ctrl
  • navigate by region - opt+1/2/3..
  • Jump to... - cmd+j
    • time - ex. 1:30
    • marker - ex. m4
    • region - ex. r2

Midi Roll

  • \ and ~ - toggle between note types: straight and triplet
  • cmd+[/] - increase/decrease granularity of grid.
  • join 2 midi notes - j
  • insert note - i
  • move to next/prev of same note - option+ā†/ā†’


  • Delete d
  • Open FX f
  • Record - r
  • solo - <C-s>
  • toggle metronome - c
  • toggle metronome count-in - C

Media Item

Move item to track above/below - <cmd + up/down>

  • hold shift to move midi notes an octave
  • glue items - g


  • cycle takes - t/T
  • delete active take - D
  • confirm the active take, deleting the rest - y

To be created:

  • For comping from multiple takes, I have some custom key-assignments that speed up my workflow. I use "4" to colour selected take green, "5" to colour it red. So, say if I have 10 takes, I'll slice them line by line, or syllable by syllable, then colour the "possible contenders" green. From there I narrow it down. I use "r" key for previous take and "t" key for next take. I have "1" set to go to start of loop. In this way I can comp vocals super fast without looking at the keyboard, as my left hand has all the relevent keys within reach. I also use "v" for reduce current take volume by 1db, and "b" to increase current take by 1 dB, for evening out levels quickly without automation.
  • custom action: Transport: Stop... Go to beginning of loop... Delete active take... Transport: Record. So if I'm recording myself, I can use just one key to immediately start the take again from the top, without dropping he guitar to use the mouse and multiple keystrokes.
  • Midi: delete all events to the right of the currently selected one


  • there is an action "Misc: pass through key to main window" which can be a useful utility for creating multistep custom actions.
    • ex. "record when midi window open" can be crafted by sending a record command that can be sent to the main window