
As a general rule, when an instrument just doesn’t work by itself, pair it with another instrument to perform the same melody, and pan it similarly.

  • ex. Take me to the pilot does a good job of this with 2 different string parts playing the same hook melody. It thickens out the sound and makes it more believable
  • So if you have a lead melody part, always ask: is this instrument doing justice to it, or does it perhaps need a hand pushing the melody?


"phase" describes how in-sync soundwaves are with each other.

  • how off-set the waves are with each other can be described in degrees
    • 0° means perfectly in phase; 180° means out of phase.
      • when out of phase, the 2 soundwaves will cancel when mixed together, making no sound ("phase cancellation").
      • when in phase, the 2 soundwaves will reinforce each other and the result will be louder.

The phase cancellation between two signals matters more for lower freqency sounds.

3-1 principle

dispelling misconception about 3-1 principle

To avoid phase cancellation, Microphones should never be within 3x the distance that the microphone is from the sound source.

  • ex. If we have a microphone 1 foot away from the strings of a piano, any additional microphones should be at least 3 feet away from the first microphone.
  • note: this seems to be contradicted by the Reddit explanation above, so take it with a grain of salt

  1. Guitar
  2. Microphones
  3. Vocals
