
Physics is the science of the fundamental features of the universe: matter, energy, time and space. They came into existence 13.5 billions of years ago

Released photons (i.e. light) carry momentum

  • if you were to turn on a flashlight in space, you would move slightly in the opposite direction


  • scientifically, temperature is the average motion of particals in an object. The faster they move, the hotter it is.
  • therefore, there is no concept of hot or cold for a single particle.

It takes an unlimited amount of energy to travel the speed of light. Because of E=MC2E=MC^2, the energy required increases with the square of the speed that we want to travel.

  • This equation highlights an energy mass equivalence. As an object travels faster, its mass increases, making it more difficult to travel even faster.
  • this effect is only significant for objects traveling close to the speed of light
    • ex. At 10% the speed of light, an object has only a 0.5% increased mass. At 90% the speed of light, the mass has doubled

The building blocks of the physical world are up and down quirks, protons, neutrons, and electrons. These building blocks have properties of mass, charge, and spin. They have no concept of size, or shape.

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how forces make things move

  1. Force
  2. Gravity
  3. Light
  4. Relativity
  5. Time