Everything is worlds built upon worlds. The city we live in is just a world within the country we are in, which is it's own world within the earth. Going deeper, the the company we work in is just a world within the city we live in, and the team's we are part of are just a world within the company. Looking at the world in this way allows us a framework to help understand what types of world's we can exert influence on. For instance, you can't make a difference in your city world if you aren't able to make a difference in your company world. World's are what influences other worlds. The only thing we are able to influence directly is OUR world, which is the body of what makes up ourselves
Never underestimate the impact that the "feeling" of a day can have on your experiences that day. If the overall mood of a day is "loneliness" because someone is missing from the scenario (ex. Rod at Christmas), then when you go do things that day (ex. Visit sunstone), it will feel lonelier than normal
If we think of ourselves as a corporation, it helps us maintain a healthy distance from ourselves (and our actions) so that we can not take things personal and have a more realistic and ultimately more effecive view on our life. We ultimately become less subjective and don't take blows as personally.
- In other words, separate the you from the vocation.
"We don't gain perspective only with our eyes, but through the lens of our experiences, biases, desires, and more."
When you see someone doing something that doesn’t make sense to you, ask yourself what the world old have to look like to you for those actions to make sense
- The idea is to get outside your own perspective