
Make sure you aren't relying on muscle memory. To check, cut the tempo by half and see if you can still play the scale properly.


Think not in terms of rote memorized fingerings but instead of the fact that crosses from black to white keys are better than black/black or white/white crosses.

  • You even say: the LH 4 goes on a black key nearly every time. It's not a coincidence that 4s are always crossing point in scales.

note: finger patterns show 2 octaves

Bm Natural

RH: 123 1234 123 12345 LH: 4321 4321 321 4321

(thumbs on B and E)

Cm natural


  • (thumbs on C and F) LH: 54321 321 4321 321
  • (thumbs on G and C)

C♯m natural

RH: 34 123 1234 123 123

  • (thumbs on E and A) LH: 321 4321 321 4321 3
  • (thumbs on E and B)

Dm natural

RH: 123 1234 123 12345

  • (thumbs on D and G) LH: 54321 321 4321 321
  • (thumbs on A and D)

Ebm natural

RH: 3 1234 123 1234 123

  • (thumbs on F and B) LH: 21 4321 321 4321 32
  • (thumbs on F and B)

Em natural

RH: 123 1234 123 12345

  • (thumbs on E and G) LH: 54321 321 4321 321
  • (thumbs on B and E)

Fm natural

RH: 1234 123 1234 1234

  • () LH: 54321 4321 321 321
  • (thumbs on B and E)

Gm natural

RH: 123 1234 123 12345

  • (thumbs on G and C) LH: 54321 321 4321 321
  • (thumbs on D and G)
