Hire people who program, not programmers. Have an open-door policy that encourages anyone who is interested in contributing in any area to do so.
Ask them to explain a high-level concept to an employee that you have that doesn't understand that sort of thing. See how well they retain the knowledge
- this will test the subjects understanding of the topic which is a better indicator than raw skill, which isn't depth understanding
- ex. Explain how Redux works at a high level
Problem Solving
Ask them how they would go about doing "something relevant to their field". For instance, if they are digital marketers ask them how they would go about finding out the reading trends among the younger generation.
Imagine that you wanted to know what a particular system, like Nautilus on Linux, or File Explorer on Windows is called. How would you go about figuring that out? (answer: file manager)
- ex answer: google 'nautilus', hit wikipedia and read the description. usually the answer will be in the first sentence.
Imagine your toilet stopped working properly. You took off the back cover, and noticed the problem: the big black floaty-thing isn't rising up high enough to stop the water flow. How do you proceed to solve this problem? how do you find out what this piece is called, so you can properly find a solution?
- When Gabrielle Solis is going through the accountants boxes of files, what is the best approach to find the file she is looking for?
Before interviews, identify the diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and personality traits that are currently missing from your culture. Then place a premium on those attributes in the hiring process.