hand independence
Practice independence between hands where the left and right hands each take turns playing the more dynamic melody.
- exercise: 90bpm eighth, triplets then sixteenth notes in the left hand and quarter notes in the right
Sustaining root while doing scales
When doing a C minor scale, we can sustain the tonic throughout to make it sound more linked.
- exercise: 90bpm c minor scale to the 5th while sustaining tonic
All major / minor / 7th chords in all inversions
Try and do them all triads without using the pinky
Doing chords (non octave) with left hand
Spread Voicing Left hand bass arpeggio
Practice a bass pattern where we hit the tonic-fifth-extended 3rd (ie. above the octave)
Spread voicing means to play the same notes, but do it over more than an octave.
Chord transitions
Work on arpeggiating between 2/3/4 chords
Grace notes