
When we play chords in different inversions, we are voicing the same chord differently.

Root Position

  • The basic way of playing a chord is known as root position (e.g. a Cmaj chord is CEG)

1st Inversion

  • 1st inversion is when we remove the tonic and replace it an octave above
    • therefore, the lowest note is the 3rd

2nd Inversion

  • 2nd inversion is when (from 1st inversion), we remove the third and replace it an octave above
    • therefore, the lowest note is the 5th

In this inversion, the bass note (the fifth) and the root of the chord are a fourth apart which traditionally qualifies as a dissonance.

3rd Inversion

  • Since 7th chords have 4 notes, there is a 3rd inversion (which doesn't exist in basic triads)
